AI-enhanced, cloud-enabled asset management sewer inspection software for portable camera equipment
With WinCan, you can coordinate team members around high-efficiency workflows, leverage AI to find defects and plan rehab, and visualize complex data with an easy-to-use, map-based interface. WinCan’s asset-centric approach means you can interpret inspection findings holistically. Whether you’re correlating pipe grade to debris accumulation, understanding root intrusion in terms of surface vegetation, troubleshooting I&I, or establishing asset criticality—WinCan gives you the full picture so you can make smarter decisions about inspection, maintenance and rehab. Main functions of the software include inspecting, coding, mapping, scanning, modeling, reporting, planning and budgeting. Your data is secure and accessible on the WinCan Web cloud portal. Grant your team real-time access to inspection data—they’ll be able to code, review, edit and analyze inspection datasets using powerful online tools available in any browser-enabled device. Our desktop app links directly to the cloud for project management. Field inspection personnel and back-office engineers can code data and access powerful filtering and analytical tools—plus enhanced capabilities like 3D modeling, image measurement, scanning and profiling tools, and more.
Salesman – Luis Hernandez
Cell: 210-410-7589
Fax: 210-568-6451
Salesman – Jimmy Fougerousse
Cell: 817-247-5039
Fax: 469-362-9112
Salesman – David Plummer
Cell: 713-542-9944
Fax: 713-568-2471
Salesman – Brandon Baker
Cell: 817-307-0808
Fax: 817-284-1107
Salesman – Jason Crowe
Cell: 918-691-4360
Fax: 918-516-0563
Salesman – John Neely
Cell: 505-999-0753
Salesman – Donald Love
Cell: 225-281-8286
Fax: 225-612-6740
Salesman – Dan Kemper
Cell: 352-428-7582
Fax: 352-799-9779
Salesman – Jason Wiley
Cell: 205-565-9265
Fax: 205-278-8742
Salesman - Damion Kemper
Cell: 352-428-8363